How To Clean Strawberries?

You must know how to clean strawberries to make them safe for consumption. Strawberry is one of the most pesticide-loaded fruits out there. It is also reported that over 30 different pesticides are found on just one strawberry! Therefore, it is essential to remove any bacteria lingering on strawberries before you consume them. In my today’s post, I will discuss how to clean strawberries from bugs. There are four ways to wash and clean strawberries. Believe me, all four of them are effective! Let us go through every detail so that you do not miss any point about how to clean strawberries.

How To Clean Strawberries?

You can clean strawberries in four different ways using the following ingredients.

  • By Using Cold Water
  • By Using Salt
  • By Using Vinegar
  • By Using Baking Soda

The fastest and easiest way to clean strawberries is to wash them with cold water. You can keep reading to learn how to clean strawberries using all the above items.

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Clean Strawberries By Using Cold Water

This is the tried and tested method to clean strawberries. You simply have to follow these steps.

  1. Place all the strawberries in a colander.
  2. Rinse them with cold water under the tap for a few minutes.
  3. Make sure you gently rub each strawberry with your hands.
  4. Once done, dry them by placing them on a paper towel.

Even though it’s the fastest way to clean strawberries, you can also clean them in the vinegar solution.

You can keep on reading to know how to clean strawberries with salt and vinegar.

Clean Strawberries By Using Salt

Strawberries produced from organic gardening can be easily cleaned using saltwater. You can follow these steps to learn how to clean strawberries with salt.

  1. Fill a bowl with warm water and then add one teaspoon of salt.
  2. Place all the strawberries into saltwater once the water is cool down.
  3. Let them soak in this water for at least 5 to 10 minutes.
  4. Remove the water and rinse them thoroughly.
  5. Once done, dry them using a paper towel.

Saltwater easily removes any fruit larvae or tiny spiders present on the surface.

Let us now check out how to clean strawberries with vinegar.

Clean Strawberries By Using Vinegar

Vinegar is a powerful cleaning agent that can also be used to wash strawberries! You can follow these steps to learn how to clean strawberries with apple cider vinegar.

  1. Fill a bowl with 1 cup of apple cider vinegar and 8 cups of water.
  2. Now, place the strawberries in the vinegar-water bath.
  3. Let them soak for at least fifteen to twenty minutes.
  4. Remove the water and rinse them thoroughly.
  5. Once done, dry them with a paper towel.

However, you can also use white vinegar instead of apple cider vinegar. Both ingredients help to eradicate any excess dirt or bacteria present on the surface.

Clean Strawberries By Using Baking Soda

Apart from vinegar, baking soda is very effective in cleaning strawberries! It won’t affect the taste of your strawberries in any way. 

You can follow these steps to learn how to perfectly clean strawberries with baking soda.

  1. Fill a bowl with four cups of cold water and add one teaspoon of baking soda.
  2. Now, place all the strawberries in this baking soda bath.
  3. Let them soak for at least 5 to 10 minutes.
  4. Remove the water and rinse them thoroughly.
  5. Once done, dry them using a paper towel.

This magic ingredient helps to remove any leftover chemical residue, dirt, and bacteria.

Useful Tips For Cleaning Strawberries

In this section, I have listed a few useful tips to follow while learning how to clean strawberries for jam.

  • Make sure you always wash your hands before you handle strawberries or any fresh fruits/veggies.
  • You must wash the fruit when you’re about to eat or cook it.
  • Washing strawberries and storing them without drying them can spoil them immediately.
  • Do not store mushy strawberries with good strawberries. It can turn good strawberries into bad. 

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How Do You Clean And Sanitize Strawberries?

The most effective way to clean pesticide residue off of strawberries is to submerge them in a vinegar bath. In a bowl, mix four parts water with one part white vinegar, then let the strawberries soak in the bowl for 20 minutes. Rinse the strawberries thoroughly with fresh cold water to clean off the vinegar.

What Do You Soak Strawberries In To Clean Them?

To remove dirt, pesticides, and bacteria, soaking strawberries in a vinegar solution or a saltwater bath will ensure they’re clean and safe to eat.

Should You Soak Strawberries In Salt Water?

You definitely don’t want to eat that. Real Simple says that pesticides and other contaminants are the real reason you need to soak your berries… but not with a salt solution. If you’re going to be keeping your berries in the fridge for a bit, soak them for 20 minutes in a solution of 4:1 water and vinegar.

Should Strawberries Be Washed In Vinegar?

One of the cardinal rules of keeping berries mold-free is to leave them unwashed until the moment before consumption. But, by washing your berries in a solution of vinegar and water, you can extend their shelf-life by days (sometimes even weeks!).

Can You Wash Strawberries With Just Water?

The primary rule about washing strawberries is simple: wash strawberries when, and only when, you’re ready to eat or cook with them. Washing strawberries ahead of time only introduces moisture that wasn’t there before and will make them go bad much faster.

How Do You Clean Strawberries Before Eating Them?

Using about 1 tablespoon of kosher salt per cup of water, soak strawberries in a large bowl of salted cold water for five minutes. Then, transfer the berries to a colander and rinse under cool running water for about a minute.

How Do You Wash Strawberries And Keep Them Fresh?

Strawberry Cleaning: Remove Pesticides and Bugs

Soak strawberries for 5 minutes. Drain and rinse berries in plain water. Lay out berries to dry on paper towels or towels for at least 20 minutes, they need to be totally dry. Store the berries in the refrigerator in an open, well ventilated container.


By reading my above post, you have learned how to properly clean strawberries in brief. You must always wash strawberries whether it bought from a farmer’s market or grocery store! Washing strawberries before consuming them helps to get rid of tiny insects living on or in them. There is even pesticide residue present on the fruit’s skin. This can lead to foodborne illness. You can rely on vinegar wash, salt water rinse, or baking soda rinse to clean strawberries. Once you understand how to clean strawberries, you can now easily use them in several strawberry recipes like strawberry pie!


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What is the best way to clean strawberries