What Is Docket Call?

Are you curious to know what is docket call? You have come to the right place as I am going to tell you everything about docket call in a very simple explanation. Without further discussion let’s begin to know what is docket call?

What Is Docket Call?

A docket call is a meeting that takes place between the judge, attorneys, and parties involved in a legal case to discuss the progress and status of the case. The purpose of a docket call is to ensure that the case is moving forward according to schedule and to address any issues or concerns that may have arisen.

Docket calls are typically scheduled at various points throughout a case, such as during the pre-trial phase or prior to a hearing or trial. During the docket call, the judge will review the status of the case and may address any pending motions, scheduling issues, or other matters.

Attorneys and parties involved in the case may also use the docket call as an opportunity to bring up any concerns or issues that they would like the judge to consider. This may include requests for additional discovery, changes to the scheduling of the case, or other matters related to the case.

Docket calls can be important for keeping a case on track and ensuring that it moves forward in an efficient and timely manner. By discussing the status of the case and any potential issues, the judge and attorneys can work together to address any concerns and keep the case moving forward according to schedule.

In some cases, the docket call may also serve as a pre-trial conference, allowing the parties to discuss settlement negotiations, trial preparation, and other matters related to the upcoming trial.


In conclusion, a docket call is an important meeting that takes place between the judge, attorneys, and parties involved in a legal case to review the status of the case and address any issues or concerns. By ensuring that the case is moving forward according to schedule, the docket call can help to keep the legal process efficient and effective.

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What Does It Mean When A Case Is On The Docket?

: on a list of legal cases to be heard by a court. The judge had to postpone some of the cases on the docket. : on a list of things to be considered (by a group of people, such as a committee)

What Does Docket Call Mean In New Mexico?

A docket call is a court procedure for scheduling activity in cases. Parties in various cases appear in court and the dates of hearings, trials, and related matters are put on the court’s calendar so that court appearances can be made and conflicts avoided. The case status in the matter may also be discussed.

What Is A Docket Call In Court In Florida?

A docket call is a pre-trial hearing in which the parties appear before a judge, discuss the status of the case, and agree on the dates of hearings, trials, and related matters so that they can be put on the court’s calendar. Requests for continuance or explanations for delays may also be made during a docket call.

What Is A Docket In Texas?

A docket is a list of cases awaiting action in a court.


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What Is Docket Call

What Is A Docket Call In Court

What Is Docket Call In Court

What Is A Docket Call Hearing

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What Is A Docket Call Hearing

What Is A Mandatory Docket Call Hearing

What Is A Docket Call In Florida

Docket Call Texas

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What Is Docket Call

What is docket call?